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Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN DIEGO Area?

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You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Southern California Counties of San Diego and Imperial.

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San Diego Usenet Job Ads

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The classified ads of the Internet

Usenet is the bulletin board of the Internet, distributing messages daily to thousands of "newsgroups" on particular topics.

[ Need help with Usenet?]

Anyone with email access can advertise a position and reach San Diego workers at five newsgroups for jobseekers. Some jobs are listed by the company itself. Others by recruiters looking for candidates for a job opening.

[Keep in mind that if anyone "can", anyone "will"--no one polices these groups or sorts the legitimate from the bogus. You stand a better chance of winning the lottery than getting tangled up with messages like "MAKE MONEY FAST!"]

    A newsgroup for the posting of jobs wanted or offered in San Diego. Job postings are from companies with job openings or professional recruiting companies in San Diego.

    A newsgroup for discussion related to jobs in the Greater San Diego area.

    Jobs offered in the Greater San Diego area.

    Jobs wanted in the Greater San Diego area.

    Job placement services for the Greater San Diego area.

If you are not able to access Usenet groups, use the SEARCHING sites below to find and read relevant postings.

San Diego Usenet Job Bulletin Boards

After you've scanned thousands of messages, you'll appreciate being able to browse through Usenet job postings by position title or location!

  • Google Groups
    Search through 70,000 daily job postings from Usenet newsgroups by keyword and/or location ("California," "San Diego.")

To find Usenet groups for other geographic areas: