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Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN DIEGO Area?
You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Southern California Counties of San Diego and Imperial.

San Diego Area Job Banks
To be included as a JobStar Job Bank the site must offer:
- Current job ads
- Multiple employers with name and contact information
- Focus on San Diego Area
If you know an Internet site that matches these requirements--please tell Electra and she will add it!
Collections of San Diego Job Ads
Southern California ads for a wide range of occupations and industries.
San Diego Area Summer Jobs and Internships
San Diego area summer job opportunities and internships in various fields -- a great way to gain work experience!
San Diego Job Banks for Specific Industries
- Indeed - One Search. All Jobs
Like Google for LOCAL job listings! Search over 500 job sites, newspapers, associations & company career pages
by location and keyword.
- SanDiegoCareers.Com
Is your dream company hiring? This site provides direct links to jobs posted on San Diego employer websites. Many high-tech and large employers.
- San Diego Jobing
Search by category, keyword or San Diego neighborhood for an extensive
list of job openings.
- craigslist: san diego
San Diego area job openings for arts, business, engineering & miscellaneous as well as apartments and local events.
- SanDiegoJobs
Search current job openings from several San Diego employers or agencies.
- Geebo - San Diego Jobs
Local general job postings: search or browse by location, job function or keyword.
- CalJobs
Job listings from California Employment Development Departments. While the service is free, you must register at the site to use it.
- See also JobStar's San Diego Newspaper Classified Ads
Department of Good Karma: When local associations and nonprofits make their job listings available via the Web, they are inviting non-members to access an important member benefit. If you like what you see, please consider joining the organization. (Many have special rates for those "between" jobs.)
- CPA Career Opportunities
Employment listings from the California Society of Certified Public Accountants.
- Accounting Employment
Job listings from the Orange County chapter of the American Society of
Women Accoutants.
- Payroll Job Listings
Click on "Job Openings" to view job postings from the San Diego chapter of the American Payroll
- SanDiegoCareers.Com
Is your dream company hiring? This site provides direct links to jobs posted on San Diego employer websites. Many high-tech and large employers.
- San Diego SSQ: QA Jobs in San Diego
Job postings from the San Diego chapter of the Society for Software Quality.
- Data Processing Independent Consultant's Exchange (DICE) - Southern California
Current computer consultant and high-tech professional jobs with Southern California companies. Search by zip code, metro area, area code. Look at employment opportunities available within a company or find out information about the company. Job openings for titles such as: Database Administrator, Software Engineer, Data Processing Operator, Technical Writer. Links to DICE Job Search page with a nice search interface!
Primary & Secondary
Links to Individual School Districts
Community Colleges
Colleges & Universities
- California Environmental Water Bulletin
California job openings for a rnage of positions in private and public water processing systems.
- Environmental Job Listings
Employment opportunities from the Association of Environmental Professionals, San Diego Chapter.
- California Water Agencies - Positions Open
Register (free) to see employment classifieds from the Association of California Water Agencies. Must
register (free).
- Groundwater Employment Opportunities
Project managers, hydrologists and other position ads from the Groundwater Resources Association of California.
- Environmental Jobs in California
Links from EcoEmploy to job openings at California companies, laboratories, nonprofits and government agencies.
- Fisheries Positions Available
Biologists, ecologists, project manager listings from the California - Nevada chapter of the American Fisheries Association.
- Recycling Jobs
Enter "California" as keyword to search for recycling-related positions: public works, waste management, recycling programs.
For academic or school libraries, see also Education.
- California Broadcasters Association Job Bank
Member radio and television stations in California list their jobs here.
- EmmyOnline - Job Bank
Jobs in television - many in California - from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
- Southern California Broadcasters Job Alert Bulletin
Job listings for clerical, intern, news, on-air, production, management, traffic and more at Southern California radio stations.
- Society of Broadcast Engineers - San Diego Jobs
Radio engineer positions.
- California Newspaper Publishers Association Job Bank
Journalism, marketing, production, sales and other positions listed by the California Newspaper Publishers Association.
- California Chicano News Media Association
Jobs (many in California) for print, radio, television, PR and technical jobs in news media. Internships & fellowships are also included.
- SDMPI Job Bank
Employment listings from the San Diego chapter of Meeting Planners
- Property Management Jobs - California
Apartment Jobs Nationwide and the California Apartment Management Association list of jobs: property management, support, leasing, sales, painting, groundskeeper.
- CommNexus San Diego
Jobs in the San Diego telecommunications industry from CommNexus,
formerly the San Diego Telecom Council.
- Wine Jobs
From Wine Business: covers a wide range of job titles in finance, administration, sales, IT and winemaking. National in scope - but a preponderance in California.