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About JobStar

Public libraries serve the information needs of their communities. Helping job seekers get the information they need to make the right connections is a very important piece of what we do.

Job seekers need current, reliable, LOCAL information to find job openings, community services, company background, job search advice. What could be better than the Web, which hosts so much information and delivers it in seconds?

JobStar began as JobSmart, a federally funded project to serve Northern California. With Library Services & Construction Act Funds (administered in California by the State Librarian.) We launched our San Francisco Bay Area Job Search Guide on April 17, 1996 and changed our name to JobStar in 1999.

Bay Area Library & Information System (BALIS), a regional library agency serving public libraries in Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco Counties, is the organization responsible for JobStar.

In January, 1997, BALIS received additional Library & Construction Act funding to expand coverage to include a five county Los Angeles area and a nine county Sacramento region. In 1998 we added San Diego and Imperial Counties to our job guide family.

JobStar continues to be updated on a regular basis. All site links were last checked: May, 2011.


JobStar: California Job Search Guide now offers job search information and community resources for the following counties of California:

San Francisco Bay Area:
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma

Los Angeles Area:
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino, Ventura

Sacramento Region:
Alpine, El Dorado, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba

San Diego Area:
San Diego & Imperial Counties

We hope you like the way the site has been designed for your use! Suggestions for resources to include or changes to make are welcome: send them to Electra .

Site Credits

Project Director & Webmaster: Mary-Ellen Mort, M. L. S. (also known as Electra .)

Web Technician: Poh Kim Lim

Site Graphics & Maps:
Christina Knapp
Claudia Candia

Sacramento Area Research:Judy Lane, Mountain Valley Library System

Los Angeles Area Research: Donna Harris, Steve Coffman, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

San Diego Area Research: Serra Cooperative Library System

Musical Accompaniment: WFMU, Jersey City, New Jersey..quite possibly the best radio station in the world.

Current Projects: Assisting with the launch of LabDataAnalysis, a website to help IVD Medical Device start-ups deal with data issues - in development and with FDA applications.

Funding: Library Services & Technology Act, a federal program administered in California by the California State Librarian.