Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area?
You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Northern California Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano & Sonoma.

Finding Job Ads on the Internet
Employers are discovering that the Internet is a quick and cost-effective method to announce their employment needs.
Not only that, candidates found through the Internet are guaranteed to be more high-tech and computer-savvy than those found through newspaper advertising.
Take a look at the pros and cons of various Internet job sites FROM THE EMPLOYER'S POINT OF VIEW so you can make better choices about where you will spend your job search time.
These are the best places to advertise for workers who already live in the area. And Northern California is the best place to look for skilled, hard-working, computer savvy workers.
PROS: No relocation costs, easy to interview local candidates. Many job banks are geared to an occupation or setting (biotech, nursing, computer programmers.) Candidates who use these sites are more qualified than the general newspaper audience.
CONS: Local sites may not attract a large enough, or specialized enough, candidate pool because they are not widely advertised.
JobStar Solution: Seek out websites offering current job ads with employer name and contact information for Northern California--over 90 sites and counting....
Mega-Sites of Job Listings
Some employers will list with a site that carries many job ads from many different companies--let's call these "Mega-Sites."
PROS: These sites attract many job seekers.
CONS: The employer may have to cope with thousands of applications--many from unqualified candidates--making resume scanning a necessity. Some of the larger sites charge the employer fees to include their jobs. Making the contract with the site and having them post the job may slow down the process for the employer.
JobStar Solution: JobStar identifies the sites with the most California job listings. And JobStar helps you prepare your best resume--electronic or otherwise so you can beat the competition.
Finding Individual Employers on the WWW
Many employers are already wired for the Web and include their job openings on the company's website.
PROS: Quick, cheap and simple.
CONS: It's tough for qualified candidates to find all the individual company websites listing suitable jobs.
JobStar Solution: JobStar shows you how to find company home pages in Northern California--companies offering jobs NOW and companies you'll want to watch for future positions.
Northern California newspapers have discovered the Web! Online newspaper classified ads offer their advertisers something extra--access to an electronic audience!
PROS: Job seekers using the electronic classifieds will be computer-smart. They will find ads they might have missed in the newspaper by searching keywords in the ad. For example, a job for a chemist might be listed under "Analytic Technology" in the newspaper. A search for the keyword "chemist" will help the candidate discover the ad.
CONS: Newspaper advertising--electronic or standard--reaches a mass market. Employers get lots of responses but very few qualified candidates for their money and trouble. Small and mid-sized companies may avoid newspaper advertising (especially if they don't have a Human Resource department to manage the traffic.)
JobStart Solution: 25+ Northern California newspapers with online classifieds in a single location as well as information about other newspaper features. JobStar also provides sources other than newspaper ads for spotting available jobs!
Keep in Mind
A motivated employer may use more than one kind of site to get their job openings "out there."
Right now, the most motivated employers are in certain segments of the computer and biotech industry (particularly in Northern California.) If your target job is more elusive, you'll have to work harder to find the position you want.
The silver lining is: the harder you work to find a job listing--on the Internet or elsewhere--the less daunting the competition from other job seekers.
To learn how to find the jobs that only the most determined candidates track down, visit JobStar's Hidden Job Market.
The unglamorous secret of the job search is--those who never give up get the best jobs.