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Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN FRANCISCO Bay Area?
You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Northern California Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano & Sonoma.

San Francisco Bay Area Job Banks
To be included as a JobStar Job Bank the site must offer:
- Current job ads
- Multiple employers with name and contact information
- Focus on the Bay Area (at least 75% of jobs)
If you know an Internet site that matches these requirements--please tell
and she will add it!
LOCAL ads for a wide range of occupations and industries.
- Indeed - One Search. All Jobs
Like Google for LOCAL job listings! Search over 500 job sites, newspapers, associations & company career pagesby location and keyword.
- Bay Area Jobs
A new version of this popular set of links to 1200 Bay Area employer websites with job openings. Select from North Bay, San Francisco, South Bay, Santa Cruz, East Bay, 680 Corridor and Sacramento.
- Bay Area Help Wanted
An online site covering Bay Area job postings: search or browse by location, company, job title or keyword.
- craigslist
Bay Area job openings for arts, business, engineering & miscellaneous as well as apartments and local events.
- Geebo.com - San Francisco Jobs
Local general job postings: search or browse by location, job function or keyword.
- San Francisco Jobs
Search current job openings from several San Francisco or Oakland area employers or agencies.
- BAJobs.com
Bay Area job listings for a wide range of categories.
- CalJobs
Job listings from California Employment Development Departments. While the service is free, you must register at the site to use it.
- Jobs & Careers Online
Broad range of employment classifieds from the online version of the free Northern California bi-weekly publication, Jobs & Careers.
- See also JobStar's San Francisco Bay Area Newspaper Ads
Department of Good Karma: When local associations & nonprofits make their job listings available via the Web, they are inviting non-members to access an important member benefit. If you like what you see, please consider joining the organization. (Many have special rates for those "between" jobs.)
- Agriculture Job Listings
Cal State Fresno's listings of jobs in agriculture including sales, education, technical, part time, research and seasonal.
- East Bay Job Board
Positions in architectural firms from American Institute of Architects, East Bay chapter.
- Craigslist: San Francisco Bay Area Art/Media/Design Jobs
Job postings for arts-related opportunities of all kind (short, long-term, contract.)
- California Museums Job Directory
Search for museum by type, location or keyword; then connect to the museum's website to search for job openings.
"Competitions, contests, call for entries/papers, grants, scholarships, fellowships, jobs, internships, etc, in the arts or related areas (painting, drawing, animation, poetry, writing, music, multimedia, reporting/journalism, cartooning, dance, photography, video, film, sculpture, etc), some of which have prizes worth thousands of dollars. It is international in scope." Subscribers get a larger monthly list of deadlines. [Ok, it's not Northern California--but you can live HERE & submit your work THERE.]
See also Multimedia.
- craigslist - Engineering Jobs
Bay Area computer related job listings.
- BayAreaComputerWork.com
Use Advanced Search to limit search by area code or job type (contract, permanent.)
- D.I.C.E.
Data Processing Independent Consultant's Network--lots of
Northern California job openings for titles such as: Systems Programmer, Database Analyst, Manager/Project Leader, Technical Writer. Search by zip code, metro area, area code. Look at employment opportunities available within a company or find out information about the company.
- Bay Area SAS User's Group
SAS software programmer opportunities: contract and permanent.
- Automated Mapping Positions
GIS and other related positions from the Bay Area Automated Mapping Association.
- Employment: San Francisco Early Childhood
Select Early Childhood Job Opportunities for job listings at nonprofit, government agencies and others working with children from birth to 6 years old. Note that the most current postings are listed last.
Primary & Secondary
Links to Individual School Districts
Community Colleges
Colleges & Universities
- CWEA - SF Job Listings
Local job postings from the San Francisco Bay Section of the California
Water Environment Association: project managers, wastewater engineering,
plant operators and support positions.
- Groundwater Employment Opportunities
Project managers, hydrologists and other position ads from the Groundwater Resources Association of California.
- California Water Agencies - Positions Open
Register (free) to see employment classifieds from the Association of California Water Agencies.
- California Environmental Protection Board - Employment Information
Links to job listings at the constituent boards, departments and offices of the California EPA.
- Environmental Jobs in California
Links from EcoEmploy to job openings at California companies, laboratories, nonprofits and government agencies.
- Fisheries Positions Available
Biologists, ecologists, project manager listings from the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society.
- Recycling Jobs
Enter "California" as keyword to search for recycling-related positions: public works, waste management, recycling programs.
See also Media or Multimedia.
- Creative Hotlist Job Listings
Job ads for those in graphics, design, packaging, art direction, production.
- craigslist - Art Job Listings
Bay Area positions for graphic artists, designers, art directors.
- Designer Jobs
Search by field or location for Industrial Design, Interaction Design and Graphic Design related jobs from Coroflot.com, a career and community site for creative professionals.
- J-Jobs Database
Journalism related jobs from UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.
For academic or school libraries, see also Education.
- Bay Area STAR Job Directory
Bay Area chapter of Society for Television, Advertising and Radio job
postings covers Ad Agency, Cable, Internet, Radio, Television, Print and
Outdoor media.
- J-Jobs: Journalism Job Bank
A wide range of journalism jobs (magazines, radio, newspaper, TV, freelance) from the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
- California Newspaper Publishers Association Job Bank
Journalism, marketing, production, sales and other positions listed by the California Newspaper Publishers Association.
- EmmyOnline - Job Bank
Jobs in television - many in California - from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
- California Broadcasters Association Job Bank
Member radio and television stations in California list their jobs here.
- BAVC Job Listings
Bay Area Video Coalition current job listings: production, internships, acting & lots more.
- Media Arts Job Bank
National in scope but well-represented with Bay Area jobs - from National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture.
- California Chicano News Media Association
Jobs (many in California) for print, radio, television, PR and technical jobs in news media. Internships & fellowships are also included.
- NCCMPI Job Board
Click on "Browse Jobs" to see
Northern California Chapter of Meeting Professionals International job listings: hotels, convention centers, convention services, etc.
See also Computers
- craigslist - Art Jobs
Graphics, content positions for multimedia & Internet job positions in the Bay Area.
- BAVC Job Listings
Bay Area Video Coalition current job listings: production, internships, acting & lots more.
- Planning Jobs
Job postings from the Northern Section, California Chapter of the American Planning Association.
- Planning Jobs Available
Current job postings from the California chapter of the American Planning Association.
- Property Management Jobs - California
Apartment Jobs Nationwide and the California Apartment Management Association list of jobs: property management, support, leasing, sales, painting, groundskeeper.
- Bay Area SAS User's Group Online
Two files offered: contract or permanent positions. Look for the entries marked NEW for the most current listings. (All positions are dated.)
- Wine Jobs
From Wine Business: covers a wide range of job titles in finance, administration, sales, IT and winemaking. National in scope - but a preponderance in California.