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Accounting and Finance Salary Surveys

Arrow Accounting

Arrow Finance

[Return to JobStar's Profession Specific Salary Surveys]

SF LA Sac SD--Surveys which specifically report salary data for JobStar's 4 regional areas.


Salary Snapshot Real Life CPAs
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: select a setting (entertainment, sports, government, environment, etc,) and learn more aboout CPA roles and compensation.

Accounting Salary Guide
Summary of annual reports from Robert Half Finance & Accounting and Accountemps from the Credit Union Executives Society (free registration required).

Small CPA Firm Compensation Survey
California Society of Certified Public Accountants report of hours billed and earnings for CPAs (in .pdf format.)


CFO Survey
CFO salary survey from PayScale.

CFO Compensation Survey
Chief Financial Officer pay, options and bonuses from

Strategic Finance Salary Guide
Institute of Management Accountants' annual salary survey covers finance, general management and corporate accounting. (NOTE: The survey file size is HUGE--1181K--and in .pdf format.)

Accounting & Finance Starting Salaries
AICPA's summary of annual Robert Half and Accountemps Salary Guide (free registration required).

Finance Professional's Compensation Survey
The Association for Financial Professionals's survey. Register (free) to download survey highlights and guide.