Websites Listing JOB FAIRS
Job fairs give you a chance to meet with a company representative to explore how the company's needs fit your experience.
Guerrilla Tactics for Job Fairs
Advice on making the most of a job fair from Jo Curtin, President of Career Expo Conference Planners.
San Diego Job Fairs
San Deigo Workforce Partnership's listing of local job fairs.
Local Fairs
Cal State San Marcos calendar of upcoming local job fairs.
San Diego Job Fair Information
Upcoming job fairs from the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Military Job Fairs
Links to military transition job fairs and a calendar for NonCommissioned Officers Association national job fairs.
EDD - Job Fairs & Events
California Employment Development Dept.: upcoming hiring fairs & job
search workshops throughout California.
Job Fairs & Events
California Employment Development Dept. lists events throughout the state.
CareerBuilder Career Fairs
Participating employers range from Fortune 500 companies to the nation's
fastest growing local businesses.
JobExpo.Com Calendar
Schedules of 200+ job fairs annually - must register (free) to view event details.
Diversity Recruitment Career Fair Schedule
NAACP job fairs across the U.S.