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Looking for a job or planning a career in the SAN DIEGO Area?

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You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Southern California Counties of San Diego and Imperial.

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Websites listing CAREER EVENTS

Career events are meetings, tradeshows, conventions or classes where you can learn more about your career options or meet others in your profession or industry.

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San Diego Area Career Events

San Diego Workforce Partnership - Career Events
Classes, workshops and career fairs in the Greater San Diego area.

Calendar of Events
San Diego Software Industry Council events & meetings.

San Diego Biotechnology Calendar
Biotech conferences and seminars for San Diego biotech professionals and companies.

Community Service, Social & Professional Organizations
San Diego BLAACK Pages offers a directory of local African American organizations including professional and business.

SDSU Career Fairs
Calendar of fairs open to SDSU students and SDSU Career Services card holders only.

National Career Events

Military Career Fair Schedule
Meet employers seeking to hire veterans and those with military experience. Trade Show Calendar
Search for tradeshows in a wide range of industries.

Directory of Tradeshows
National calendar of tradeshows from Tradeshow Week magazine. Search by date,industry or location.

Conferences, tradeshows, training, etc., for a broadly defined computer industry. Lists by location, date, event, industry. Packed with events for California. Excellent.

BioSpace Calendar of Events
Biotech-related events by event name or category.

Association for Computing Machinery--Events
List of upcoming events arranged by date.