Academic & Employment Services
Imperial County Office of Education 1398 Sperber Road, El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 312-6441 |
Provides career counseling, paid work experience, job development and placement for youth ages 14-21. Job preparation including how to fill out applications, resume writing, interviewing skills, etc. Veteran program also available.
COST: Free if eligible. |
Arc Industries 298 East Ross Rd.
El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 352-0180 FAX: (760) 352-2236 |
Care and training of mentally and physically challenged. Career assessment.
18+ referred from a Regional Center or the Department of Rehabilitation. Training: work enclave; supportive employment; sheltered employment.
COST: Free for mentally or physically challenged. |
Calexico One-Stop
301 Heber Ave
Calexico, CA 92231
(760) 768-7171 |
Referrals to jobs/training, job search assistance, career assessment & counseling, computer lab, EDD workshops.
COST: Free. |
380 E. Aten Road PO Box 158 Imperial, CA 92251 (760) 337-5176 |
Assists welfare applicants and recipients to obtain jobs. Job shareware terminals to hunt for jobs. Job Clubs: group support and learning pre-employment skills. Job Ads.
COST: Free; some services require eligibility. |
Center for Employment Training
294 South 3rd St. El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 337-6565 |
Job training and job placement assistance. Classes: citizenship, GED, non-English speaking. Special programs for migrant workers.
COST: Free; some services require eligibility. |
Department of Rehabilitation
1214 State St. El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 353-1350 FAX: (760) 353-7948 |
Assists disabled with employment. Assessment/vocational counseling. On-the-job training. Job Club:support group on how to search for a job, county, federal and state job lists.
COST: Free to physically or emotionally disabled with a desire to work. |
El Centro East One Stop Office
2995 South 4th St. El Centro CA 92243 (760) 337-5000 |
Computers available for resume writing, copy machine, fax machine, job listings, State and Federal job applications, library of test materials, videos of interview techniques.
COST: Free. |
El Centro West One Stop
Employment Development Department
1550 W. Main St. El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 339-2722 |
Computers available for resume writing, copy machine, fax machine, job listings, State and Federal job applications, library of test materials,videos of interview techniques.
COST: Free. |
Imperial County Regional Occupational Program
Imperial County Office of Education 687 State St. El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 482-2600 |
Public education service which offers hands-on job training, career guidance, and job placement assistance.
Training to acquire entry-level jobs, update/improve skills, prepare for college major, earn credits toward high school graduation, receive college credit, and earn a certificate of Demonstrated Competencies.
COST: Free. |
Imperial County Work Training Center
210 Wake Ave. El Centro, CA 92243 (760) 352-6181 FAX: (760) 352-6332 |
Assists persons with disabilities with job placement, on-going supportduring employment, and post-employment/closures services.
COST: Free if eligible. |