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Looking for a job or planning a career in the SACRAMENTO Area?

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You're in the right place for LOCAL job openings, career assistance and information for the Northern California Counties of Alpine, El Dorado, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo & Yuba.

Career Centers Logo


Community Job Search & Career Centers

Carson City JobConnect
Nevada JobConnect
1929 N. Carson St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-0400
Electronic guide to employment, training and rehabilitation services, including labor market information, wage surveys, listings of the state's larger employers, and Nevada's job bank.
COST: Free.
Golden Sierra Job Training Agency
11548 E Ave., DeWitt Center
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 823-4631
Career assessment, training, including classes in GED & high demand skills, and work experience programs. Serves low income, dislocated/displaced workers, youth (16-21), dropouts welfare recipients, persons with disabilities, ex-offenders, and others. Regular orientations & workshops.
Serves Alpine, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, and Sierra Counties.
COST: Free to eligible applicants.
(800) 733-5627
Job Corps is a residential education and vocational training program for unemployed and undereducated young people, 16-24.
COST: Free to eligible applicants.
Nevada Career Information System
500 E. Third St.
Carson City, NV 89713
(775) 684-0450
NCIS is a computer software program with occupational descriptions, skills assessment help, and other information related to training and job-hunting. Password protected and available only to Nevada residents.
Available in libraries, community colleges & employment security offices.
COST: Free.

Page last updated: 1:19 PM on 5/8/09