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Descriptions of Major Resume Banks
Clara Horvath
CAREERWORKS: Technology for Career Management, Recruiting, Job Search
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It won't be hard to find a resume bank to meet your needs. This selection of resume banks takes a look at some of the better known and compares the kind of resumes accepted, the level of traffic, size, cost and any specialized services.
When employers are thinking of using or subscribing to a resume bank, these are the ones at the top of the list.
There are many smaller or specialty resume banks--but these are not evaluated here. As you scout out resources in your industry or profession on the Web, keep an eye out for any specialty resources. Ask others in your field about their positive and negative experiences.
For a huge list of free and fee-based resume banks, visit The Riley Guide - Online Resume Databases.
For a huge list of resume preparation and distribution services, visit Yahoo's "Resume Services."